Glenside SA, Australia
South Australia Health
Architect, Masterplanner
Mungo Smith
MAAP worked with local firm Swanbury Penglase Architects to develop the masterplan and architectural design for the Glenside Health Campus, a new 129-bed health and substance abuse facility for people from South Australian country regions and the eastern metropolitan Adelaide region. The concept adopts a village configuration whereby a group of separate buildings are arranged around a common central shared garden.
Glenside Health Campus
This is a significant milestone for mental health services in South Australia. The new Glenside Health Service is a key element of the state’s broader mental health reforms and places South Australia as a leader in this field. The transition from an outdated asylum style of care to a modern, flexible environment which provides mental health consumers and staff with a space to promote healing and recovery is transforming how we provide mental health care.
Jay Weatherill
Premier, South Australia
Related Projects

A strong relationship has been achieved with adjoining retail and commercial precincts through the creation of a Village Green which connects the three precincts and preserves views through the site to significant trees.
Public places are linked to form a continuous series of spaces complementary to the adjacent Adelaide Parklands and the facilities are configured to provide a continuous gradient of privacy and security for consumers, fostering autonomy and supporting a recovery focused model of health care.
Gold Award
Architects for Health IHEEM Awards
Highly Commended – Best Future Health Project
Design and Health International Academy Awards